Our Team

At Crafts of India, our dedicated team is the heart and soul of our mission to celebrate and promote the rich heritage of Indian handicrafts. Each of us brings a unique set of skills and a shared passion for traditional craftsmanship. Together, we work tirelessly to connect talented artisans with appreciative audiences worldwide and to preserve the timeless traditions of Indian artistry.


Our founder and CEO, Dharmendra Jaisinghani, established Crafts of India in 2007 with a vision to bring the beauty of Indian handicrafts to the global stage. With a profound appreciation for traditional art forms and a solid business background, 

Operations Management Our operations management team ensures that every aspect of our business runs smoothly. From coordinating with artisans to managing logistics, they handle the day-to-day activities with precision and efficiency. Their organizational skills and attention to detail are crucial in maintaining the high standards of quality that our customers expect.

Marketing and Communications The marketing and communications team is the creative mind behind our brand's storytelling. With expertise in branding, social media, and digital marketing, they craft compelling narratives that bring the stories of our artisans and their beautiful creations to life. Their innovative approach helps us reach new audiences and engage with our community effectively.

Product Development and Quality Control Our product development and quality control experts work closely with artisans to ensure each product meets our rigorous standards of craftsmanship and beauty. Their deep understanding of traditional techniques and keen eye for detail guarantee that every item we offer is a masterpiece, reflecting the rich cultural heritage of India.

Customer Relations and Support Dedicated to providing exceptional service, our customer relations and support team handles inquiries and manages orders, ensuring a seamless shopping experience. Their friendly and responsive approach helps build lasting relationships with our customers, making them feel valued and appreciated.

Our Mission

Our mission at Crafts of India is to bridge the gap between skilled artisans and global markets, providing a platform where traditional Indian crafts can be appreciated and cherished by people all over the world. We strive to create a community of craft enthusiasts who value the beauty and significance of handmade items, and who support the artisans who keep these traditions alive.

Join Us on Our Journey

We are proud of the work we do and the impact we have on the lives of our artisans. Thank you for being a part of our journey and for supporting the incredible artistry of India.

Explore our collection and meet the artisans behind our beautiful products. Join us in celebrating the timeless elegance of Indian crafts, and be a part of our mission to make a difference, one handcrafted piece at a time.